About You

Chicago BDSM Expert

This is a guideline for the types of things I will need to know before we book.

I am quite excited to learn more about you. This information will be the foundation upon which we build our rapport. With any luck we will be starting down a long and winding path together. I have no desire to see those who have an unhealthy relationship with bdsm. Though I do provide a service that can be therapeutic I am not a licensed psychologist. If you are struggling with issues of shame or guilt I would ask that you refrain from seeing me until you have resolved these issues and can come to me from an open and non judgmental place. I am balanced and happy within my role as a top and I would like you to be just as comfortable and secure in your role when we play. I have the utmost respect for this type of work and I require you do as well.

How would you categorize yourself within the context of your interest in bdsm? (Hardly anyone is 100% one thing so feel free to give me a pie chart 80% masochist/20% fetishist etc)

What is your preferred countenance, tone of voice demeanor etc?

What style of dress do you respond best to? Either on me or yourself (specify).

What are your hard limits, what do you want to avoid?

What was the best or most powerful scene you have experienced and what made it so/ what was the worst (no names please!)?

Why have you chosen to contact me?

A paragraph on your own personal case history, when you first discovered different feelings/kinks etc. up until where it has led you today?

(Including any and all difficulties you have had with this side of yourself)

What do you want to come away with from our experience (be honest)?

Again I must say that I do not wish to see anyone who is trying to work out issues of trauma that I am not equipped to tackle. If you have larger issues I would like you to see a kink friendly therapist and work these things out prior to seeking my services. I would love to be able to help you and though bdsm sessions can be transcendent and cathartic we would both be fooling ourselves to think that they can take the place of a licensed therapist. Please feel free to contact me if you would like help in locating one.

Furthermore I do not wish to see anyone who does not have equal reverence for this type of work. If you seem to be flippant, curt or in a rush contacting me  I will take note of it. You need not be lengthy but manners go quite a long way. 



Domina Thalia is a Chicago-based Dominatrix and Mistress who specializes in fetish, BDSM, sadomasochism, bondage, and more. She is available for private in-person BDSM coaching, training, as well as phone and distance training.

©Domina Thalia. Designed by Black Ash Consulting.